Woollens for your Walloon Warriors

Field Service Post Card to Miss Crawshaw, 29 Strethleven Rd – One penny stamp franked Army Post Office 21 No 14

I am quite well. Letter follows at first opportunity. I have received no letter from you lately.

Signed Frank and dated 21-11-14

21st November 2014

Another one of those multiple choice postcards arrived in Brixton a century ago. Frank’s written another letter home to Mabel so keep your eyes peeled over the weekend.

The Dorsets remained in billets near Dranoutre having another day’s rest.

In the Telegraph the Special Correspondent (Central News) for Flanders makes an accurate prediction. After writing about the Allied line holding throughout Belgium he comments:

 Germany strategy will be hopeless bankrupt will be: “How long? At what cost?”

As things are, there is little doubt that the Allies have broken the back of the German attacks on the Western Frontier.

They also recommend sensible Christmas presents for loved ones fighting in France: good woollen underwear, gloves, shirts and socks and coats lined with fur or lambskin. Presumably they’re presents for officers.

Less wealthy folk will examine the vests that promise warmth and comfort, and such articles as thick rugs and sleeping bags.

Other ideas include vacuum flasks, little valises with knife and fork and spoon, collapsible cups and miniaturised smoking kit like pipes, lighters and tobacco holders. Bavarian china is definitely out of the question.


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