The Jury is out


16th September 1914

The Dorsets remained at Jury for the day. This was their first full day off duty since leaving Belfast on the 14th August. I’m leaving them alone for some well earned rest.

In the meantime, here’s some statistics from the last 4 weeks of fighting:

1st Battalion Dorsetshire Regiment 14/08/14 – 16/09/14
Miles marched 330
War Establishment battalion strength 1007 (including 30 officers)*
Deaths (according to CWCG) 57
Deaths (according to war diary) 24
Missing / POWs 99*
Wounded 138
Reinforcements 277
Estimated Battalion strength at 16/09/14 990

*These figures are very slippery. I don’t have a proper starting figure. Only a note by Bols on 9/08/14 that the Battalion was at War Establishment strength. Missing / POWs figure should be lower as many of these had sadly probably died in the field.

In other news the weather was cold and showery; the perfect time to write a letter perhaps?